Meet Our Team!
Our team is dedicated to creating easy to read infographics about common diseases and health issues. We aim to provide accurate information with no jargon so that the everyday person can learn about issues they may be concerned about.
The Executive Team
Meet the group of people in charge of keeping healthXvisuals running.

Our Mission:
Science Simplified.
healthXvisuals is a student organization at the University of Toronto. We aim to simplify biomedical communications through graphics, blogging and other forms of media. We believe that everyone has the right to scientific literacy and recognize that not everyone is as fortunate as we are to receive higher education. Therefore, we want to use our knowledge and expertise to help others understand medical issues the same way we do.
Our Roots:
The basis of our organization.
healthXvisuals was created in 2020 at the University of Toronto, St. George Campus by founder, Neeki Alvari. The goal of the organization was to advance the health literacy of the general public through attractive and simple infographics on an Instagram page.
Now, healthXvisuals has expanded beyond the Instagram page to this website, the blog and even a podcast to help educate the general public on different health issues. As a group run mostly by life science majors, the group aims to provide the most accurate information simplified from complicated resources.

Campus Representatives:
Working under the Head of Communications, Ananya Ananth, our campus reps are our second line of contact after Ananya for student groups, faculty and students looking to work with healthXvisuals. These individuals are also in charge of spreading the word about healthXvisuals on their respective campuses!

Lead by our Head of Site, Theoodora Tang, the Podcast and Blogging team aims to bring out more content related to our graphics. They do interviews and dive deeper into the diseases our graphics cover so that people who are interested can learn more.
Currently, our bloggers are Deeksha Kapur, Isra Khiyar, Sanchsuga Kanthavel, Saleha Ansari and Daniyal Ahmed
Currently, our Podcasters are:

Lead by our Head of Graphic Design, NAME HERE, our graphic design team makes all of the graphics that you see on our Instagram and Webpage! They also decide on the topics and the thematic colour! Every one of our posts credits the author in the description! Please give all of our designers some love.
Our current graphic designers are all University of Toronto students.
Our Team: Neeki Alvari (President), Samantha Graham (Campus Rep), Ananya Ananth (Communications), Saleha Ansari, Daniyal Ahmed, Isra Khiyar, Sanchsuga Kanthavel, Mina Chopra, Beatrix Yu, Nabeeha Asif, and Michelle Nguyen.